The Allmed KN95 Mask failed because the KN95 standard requires that the mask have the manufacturer’s name and the appropriate technical standard, typically either "GB 2626-2019" or GB-2626-2006,” written across the front of the mask. This is similar to how official N95 masks display NIOSH approval numbers. This mask did not have the required identification on its front.

Allmed KN95 Mask
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Why did this mask fail?
Video Transcript
Hey, everyone. Welcome back to the place we test all the masks on the internet. Today we are continuing a series. I'm going to call it my mystery mask ferry from maybe Washington state, maybe works at a hospital, sent me a bunch of masks to test. Today we're looking at the, according to prophecy, the Allmed Express, KN95 FDA masks. If you look on their website, it says FDA approved, not true.Number one, FDA doesn't approve masks. So, that's not really a thing. And the other thing is that they actually got rid of all of their KN95s on their emergency use. So, they're not really approved anymore. All right. I don't know how accurate this is because as you know, this is coming in a Ziploc bag. So I'll go ahead and test it real quick. But if you guys are going to send me masks, please send me the entire box so that I can see the claims that are making. This has a really interesting design, but it doesn't have any markings on it. So I don't really know where this came from or what it is.
But for you, mystery person, that sent me so many things, I'll test it. All right. So this is the setup that we're going to be using. If you want to see how that works, I'll put a link in just a second. Now, remember that Niash is going to be using, said this before, Niash is going to be using bees wax, using a TSI machine, which is a lot different, takes a lot more time. This is just me being lazy. This is not what we actually do for our tests. We don't use this device. This is just like a quick thing just for me throw it in there. All right. So, let's take a look at this. I've got two them. One thing I like right away, is it's got this great nose foam. That's going to aid in a ceiling around the top of the nose, and it's got a great wire up here as well. It's like a double thick wire. I like that quite a bit, but there's no markings on it.
So I don't know if this thing is real, or fake. What I can tell you, this it's not a real KN95, because KN95 format has to say KN95 on it. And then I believe it has to say the GB 2626-2006. I'm really fun at parties, people, which is basically part of the compliance of saying like, "Hey, this is the KN95 standard made in China. That's the name of the standard. And you have to put it on every mask. So I'm going to do a test of this real quick.
I'm going to say that this smells like somebody's laundry room, like a clean laundry room. That's the smell for this, but that may or may not have anything to do. It may be more about the person who send it to me. Yeah. I don't think it's going to fall off on your face, but you know. Let's switch over to the PFE machine. It's doing really well. Airflow resistance is 150. KN95 these flat fold respirators typically have a much better breathability in that, like maybe 120.
That's actually pretty bad. But look at this efficiency, it's great, 99.8, that's great. Efficiency test is going to finish up in just a second. Whatever this mystery mask actually is, it's a pretty good mask. Not bad, even though they didn't print the standard on it. It's kind of weird, but anyway, all right, there you go.
Efficiency, 99.867. Pretty good mask. Don't love the KN95 design with the ear loops. Not a big fan. I prefer that like KF94, if I was going to do an ear loop design, but that's just me. As far as KN95 goes, pretty good. All right. Thank you guys so much for watching. Thank you, mystery man, or woman for sending me these masks. I appreciate it. Send me some more masks. I'll test them. But again, send me the whole box so I can actually see what's going on. I'm kind of flying blind here. Right, catch you on the next test. Thank you.
Mask Construction
Mask Smell
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