Don’t Shut Down, Mask Up: New Mask Subscription Options for SMBs

The pandemic has pushed most of us to the very edge since it hit America’s shores, but it is small local businesses and organizations that are getting hit hardest. Part of that comes down to not having regular access to quality, medical-grade PPE, which is something Armbrust American can actually help with.

So, we've just updated our shop with options to  subscribe for regular shipments of our Surgical Masks or KidSafe Medical Masks in units of 500 or 2,000 at a deeply discounted price (30% off!). Subscribers can also specify how often they’d like to replenish their supply, from monthly to every three months. Cancel anytime.

Our business model includes selling directly to our customers, rather than exclusively selling surgical and pediatric medical masks via contracts with governments or hospital companies like the vast majority of other PPE manufacturers.

Because of this, we’re able to provide FDA-listed surgical masks to *all* the essential workers who need just as much protection as America’s heroic doctors, nurses, police officers, and the like. I’m talking about grocery employees and other service workers -- businesses that rely on at least some unavoidable foot traffic and charity volunteers assembling to provide relief to those in need. And yes, even factory workers, too.
We all need to stay safe, but for many of us, the only option is to keep on keeping on. Don’t shut down, mask up.

— Lloyd Armbrust, Founder & CEO