Reli Nitrile Gloves Review
We are testing every glove we can find on Amazon! In this video, Lloyd checks out the Reli Nitrile Gloves manufactured in Thailand.
Purchase USA-Made Nitrile Gloves from Armbrust

Video Transcript:
Hey everyone. Welcome back to the place that we are testing every single giant box that gets bigger than my head of gloves that we can get our hands on. I think that Josh, our c m o hates, uh, my, uh, bank account because he just wanted, I mean, surely Rally has a smaller unit than 200 gloves, but that's the one we bought. So we can test one of them. <laugh>. Tara's gonna open that up for me. Uh, what we're gonna do is, uh, she is going to, uh, I say we as if I'm doing any work, which I'm not <laugh>, she's gonna take out a glove. She's gonna cut a dog bone out and we're gonna use that sample to test on this fancy machine behind me. Alright, let me take a look at these. Rally Health. Ooh, I'm kind of curious. The thickness is actually pretty great on these.
Oh, it's very tight though. This is like more of a small, to be honest, size medium. But I bet if you guys did your, your, uh, size measurement, you'd find that this is a medium. This is, or a small 'cause This is like very tight on my hand. It's gonna be, this is the thickness. Oh, it's the thickness? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yes. Well, I wouldn't know anything about that. Uh, all right, that's the dog bone. Here you go. While Chris is setting that up, I'm going to do the patented Lloyd Armrest wince test here. Oh, that's really good.
Oh gosh.
Broke a sweat on that one. This might be the strongest glove I've tried. I'll try to really put my nail into it. Okay, then it broke, made in Thailand. 7 22. Uh, so that's more than six months old. Alright, so we are doing the tensile strength and elongation test. Basically what we're going to do is stretch this sample until it breaks. When it breaks, you're gonna see a line drop on the screen and it's gonna show us how far it stretched it. We wanna see, uh, this is an older glove, so we wanna see before, uh, between uh, 400, 500, um, newer gloves. We wanna see 500% plus. And the tensile strength has to be above 14. It's already at 300 while I've been yapping. Where is it coming in? It's a little high. It's coming steep. A little high. You think it's gonna make it to 400?
Ooh, I think it'll make to 400. There it goes. Okay. So good. So it's within spec Boy that is climbing rapidly. Ah, okay. That's interesting. You're right. If you look at that path of the, the tensile strength increasing, it's almost right, right by that other one. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah. I get how you can kind of start predicting that. All right, so that had a tensile strength of 17.66 and any elongation of 400, 2.89%, uh, that's a great glove. It falls within spec. Felt really good. Uh, I just think that, you know, maybe they should consider, uh, uh, you know, hiring a graphic designer from this era. That's all small criticism. Alright, thank you guys so much for watching. Appreciate your time and attention. I will catch you on that next test. Get it catch because it's...