Comfy Package Medical Exam Nitrile Gloves Review
We are testing every glove we can find on Amazon! In this video, Lloyd checks out the Comfy Package Medical Exam Nitrile Gloves manufactured in China.
Purchase USA-Made Nitrile Gloves from Armbrust

Video Transcript:
Hey everyone. Welcome back to the place we were testing every single glove that I bought on Amazon. Today we are testing the comfy package, <laugh>, uh, medical exam, nitro gloves. It's, I this was made by a random name generator, right? Comfy package, <laugh>. And it's got a picture of like a box with dishes in it. Like this was at a randomly named company. I'm pretty su All right, I'm gonna stop Yeahing. Now, if you have medical gloves, it has to go through all of these different standards. You gotta test them for all these different chemicals. And we're not gonna do that here, cuz that would be one boring and two would take too much time, although you would have a great time, I'm sure. Yes. Yeah. Thrilling. Yeah, absolute thrilling. Um, uh, but this is a quick test, uh, that we can compare all the, all the gloves that we've tested against to see, uh, which ones do the best.
I'm try to put these on and I'm gonna do the unofficial Lloyd, uh, the wince test. Oh, that was wince level zero. That okay? That, that was probably the most breaking, um, yeah, that, that was not, I'm, I don't what kind of comfy package they're selling. But this is, that is the website is comfy Okay. This is manufacturer for rye ke court made in China. Now, if it something says medical, or sorry, it says Nitro, especially if it says medical, that means it needs to meet United States standards for those things, um, which is, uh, a T M D 63 19. Um, and there are other standards as well. Chris could talk to you, talk to your ear. Off the bottom, him, believe me, um, he has, uh, but the interesting thing is there's no date on this. Am I, am I missing that? Do you see any date on, on this comfy package? <laugh>, you see a date on there? I don't see a date. And if it doesn't have a date, it's, uh, that's not that, that's not meeting standards right there. You need to have a manufacturer's date. Um, so you know how old the gloves are, so you know how long they'll last. So we're gonna hold this since it says medical gloves, medical nitro. We're gonna hold them to those.
Yeah, this smells like a mostly clean dentist office. This is the elongation and tensile strength machine. And no, I didn't name it just so that I could say the word elongation a hundred times in this video. Uh, it actually is meant to stretch the glove to, uh, to its breaking point. Um, which I'm about to be stretched if I have to do another glove test. Uh, <laugh>. So what's the start? We, it must pass 500%, um, elongation. Um, I, uh, otherwise it, it fails the United States standards. That might seem like a lot. Um, but, you know, look, it's the US man. We got high standards here. We're gonna take <laugh>. Uh, and the other thing is it's gonna test tensile strength, which is what this map is here. Uh, it's gotta beat at least 14, which think we've only had one fail that. Um, but we've had some come pretty close.
I don't see it being charted on here. It's rather high. Okay? So the higher it is, the earlier it is, the more chances that this thing's gonna break pretty early. Oh yeah, this thing is like steep, very steep. And it did break. Um, this comfy package, uh, is not working too well. Uh, it was okay. So it had a, uh, elongation of, uh, 368.57%. Uh, but, uh, Tesla's strength of, of 20.4. Not horrible on that. Again, it's failing, um, at American standards there. Uh, which is not a surprise because, uh, China's really, really great at manufacturing a lot of things, but they did not manufacture gloves until very recently. So I think the glove manufacturing scene is a little bit new there. Um, and they don't have all of their things dialed in. That's just my opinion. Um, and then also you gotta put those things on a boat and then they gotta get here in, they baking in the sun. And that causes the gloves to cure more and more as they get over here. It's much better, we think, uh, to buy your gloves locally and, uh, get them, uh, you know, made as soon as possible, uh, and use them. Thank you guys so much for watching, uh, this review of the Comfy Package, uh, medical exam gloves, and, uh, I appreciate you. Love you. I'll see you on the next test. Too strong the love too soon, too soon probably.